Hungry? Why Wait?

The most basic human need is to eat, every human deserves to have this need met. The Earth was created to fulfill the purpose of providing what we need in this regard. Yet today there are millions and millions of people in the world who have not only no food but also no water. I do not mean simply that they do not have enough money for it; that would actually make things more simple. The fact is that many of these people do not even have access to water and food. There is no water in their entire region. There are no stores with food or even farms to go to. In this modern, “progressive,” world today 1 in 8 people suffer from malnutrition. How can this be in a world with so many resources, particularly in developed countries?

There are truly many reasons for this, none of us can fix this with some silver bullet. Nevertheless, while so many people starve we feast like pigs in a castle made of cake and slop. How can we continue like this knowing that there are so very many people in the world who are literally dying of thirst (*Kendrick voice*) and hunger? In the United States we waste far more food than would feed some of these countries. We waste more than one third of all of humanity’s food supply. That is nothing short of absurd and obscene. We must do better.

There are so many simple ways to reverse this disgusting disparity. First start by …. not wasting food! Eat proportionately. It is only going to improve your health anyway, If you happen to buy too much food that might go to waste, donate some to a food pantry or soup kitchen. I’ve worked in a soup kitchen myself before and, believe me, the donations get put to use. Or you can save a dollar or two to donate to organizations that exist to serve the cause of combating world hunger. I know very well that, as simple as it sounds, saving and donating a couple of bucks can be easier said than done. However, it is necessary that we think less of only ourselves and think about the wider spectrum of all humans. Someone starving is the same as us. If you were starving you would go through the same devastating pains and trauma that anyone else does. Consider them as yourself if the facts don’t hit home enough. It is important for us all, collectively, to contribute to the betterment of all people. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Let us not forget about the basic need of hydration as well. Water is probably more important than food, in actuality. There are also plenty of organizations that bring water systems to barren regions. They actually go out there and build where there was nothing before. Imagine what an utterly life-changing dynamic this brings to communities. I would recommend Charity: Water, because 100% of donations received go to building wells. You can also track the progress of the work you donated to in the particular region. They use GPS technology to allow donators to actually see the work being done, so you get a visual manifestation of what your money contributed to.

The bottom line is, we need to be aware. And something needs to be done. So let’s do something.

The Essential Element of Humanity

There is one essential element of the continuation of humanity and good will: Hope. As humans we have the constant instinct and expectation of self-preservation. We continually seek that which will sustain us and generate a pleasant state of being. We hope for a better tomorrow, even if today is not a bad today. We work for the obtainment of good things because we instinctively hope for good things in life. Essentially, hope is essential (repetition intended).

In spite of this reality, there are many people who lose hope in this modern world. There is so much suffering and despair that it becomes easy to stop hoping for better. How can people keep hoping for something that has proven itself to be unrealistic and unattainable (whatever that thing may be)? Why should they? The answer is quite simple: You must. We must.

Without hope we have no more expectation of good. When hope is lost, goodwill will inevitably be lost. This is because hope keeps us working to cultivate and perpetuate good in life, and essentially human existence. Hope gives people a reason to persevere when there is no apparent reason to. It also keeps people from committing grave immoralities, because they have the notion that they will experience a future in which they will not endure such temptations. Hope gives children a reason to focus and aspire. A nihilistic and hopeless generation is indeed a destructive generation to be very wary of. Hope is the cure for an imperiled world.

If you, reader, have lost or are losing hope please allow me to implore you with one word: don’t. If you lose hope you lose yourself. That is a price far too costly to pay. This in itself is a violation of the laws of nature; namely, self-preservation. You must hope.

Think—painful as it may be—of all the things that cause you to lose hope. Then begin to evaluate these same things from a different perspective. Imagine some kind of realistic solution in the future. Consider that things will not always have to be the way they are currently. Ponder about any possible things you can do to contribute to this more hopeful reality. Realize that life is not predictable and unchanging. With many of our routine lives, I think, we can easily tend to forget that. You have the ability to make a difference in the fabric of human experience. You have the power. God has equipped you with the concern and intelligence to recognize the problem, now discover what actions you can take, or plans you can make, to effect change.

You don’t have to end world hunger yourself. Donate to a cause that is already working on it. If you can’t find a job, don’t give up. Don’t stop looking. Don’t stop applying. Maybe start volunteering for now, or thinking about becoming an entrepreneur. If you’ve lost hope in some relationship[s], think of how to resolve things—come to a common ground. Maybe it’s even time for a change of who is a part of your life. The future is full of possibilities. Not impossibilities. So place your hope in the possibilities ahead.

Just make sure that, whatever you do and at all costs, you do not—absolutely do not—give up hope.

You Believe.

We all believe. Anyone who denies this is either in a stubborn state of denial or simply has not examined the thought enough. Even an agnostic believes; even atheists believe. The question is, firstly: What do you believe? Secondly, why? Many atheists believe in science as the final and ultimate authority. They believe science was the source of our origin and will be that of our end. They herald the message of science. Even praise the work of science. Therefore, they do not only believe in science instead of God but actually believe in science as God (in a manner of speaking). Is it not so?

Don’t believers in God believe the same principles? That God is the originator of all things; don’t they praise His work? Atheist believe the same foundational concepts but ascribe the credit to a different figure. A figure with no mind, consciousness or sentience–yet somehow it randomly formed beings who have all these attributes which the originator itself did not. Given this truth, consider the second tenet of your (yes, your) belief: Why do you believe what you believe? One can list all of the common aspects of their belief systems but that is often not the only true reason why an individual believes as they do. Especially beliefs that claim no belief. People tend to believe certain things not because it has proven itself absolutely true but because it aligns with what they want in life. How they want to live, who they want to be around, how they want to be perceived by society. Do such inclinations as these influence your beliefs? If so, you will never have the vision and clarity of judgment to differentiate truth from lie until you rid yourself of these prejudicial stances. If it makes you comfortable to believe that there is no such thing as gravity, or that none of your loved ones will die in your life time, does it mean that you can float? Or that you will certainly never see any of your loved ones pass away? Obviously not. In the same way, holding to a belief because it makes you more comfortable with a certain way of life does not make the belief true.

If you honestly do not believe in God, how do you explain living things? The universe? The near-infinite dimensions of space? Did it actually come from nothing? Do you know the answer to the equation 0+0? … Spoiler alert: (whispering) It’s zero. Nothing plus nothing = (wait for it………) nothing. Literally. No. Thing. Something cannot come from nothing. Some thing cannot come from no-thing. Therefore, everything definitely can’t come from nothing. That’s the simple way of explaining it.

You might have noticed earlier that i said “near-infinite dimensions of space.” Some maintain that the universe is actually infinite and never needed a creator. Impossible. The second law of thermodynamics proves that this absolutely cannot be true. Basically it is the explanation for the widely known scientific fact that the universe is constantly running out of energy. If the universe is infinite how can it be running out of energy? The universe is not infinite. (It is ironic that people would be willing to attribute infinite power to a non-conscious, insentient, “something” known as the universe but not the same infinite power to a conscious living being, namely God.) The universe had to be created by something greater than itself with more power than itself. A baby cannot reproduce an adult. Neither can a lesser power in oblivion create a far, far, greater reality in the existence of the universe itself.

Free Dumb

Do you have a clue of how many toxic chemicals we take in through the standard American diet? If not, you should look it up because there are literally thousands of publications about it. But what about the standard American diet of media? Do you have any idea how much toxic, polluting content we absorb? This recent election cycle gave us a glimpse. Through a plethora of media outlets we can be controlled and literally programmed. People develop trained reactions and thought processes by way of media influences. We love what we love because the media has told us to. We hate what we hate because the media has ingrained in our psyches to do so. We proclaim freedom but enslave our minds to a literal onslaught of stimulation and distraction.

We give up the power to think for self because we let the voices in the media tell us what to think. We then repeat exactly what they say. For instance, if the media, along with the majority of society, says a certain person or idea is hateful, the average person will adopt the same perspective and spread that point of view about the person. Even without researching anything in-depth about the person or their views!

We even tend to buy what we buy—not because the products are the best quality—because instructions have been drilled into our psyches to get said products. While there is probably someone making a better product out of a local shop or their own home.

Have you ever just sat by and observed a person who’s been watching television for hours? Have you seen that hypnotized gaze? The dazed, catatonic-like state of apparent powerlessness? It’s not always a news source that is pounding the chisel on the mind. The volition is deadened by repetitious advertisements, buffoonery, even highly stimulating plots, images and creative stories can dull the human spirit. When we give up our own imagination to replace it with, essentially, the work of someone else’s we do a grave injustice. Think about this being done over the course of days and years and decades. What happens to the individual?

How can you become free of such programming? Limit how much TV you watch. I say mute the TV or change the channel when the commercials come on. Turn off the radio sometimes and just listen to your surroundings. Sounds maddening at first but over time your mind will adapt and become more calm. Find something to do with your own mind. Something creative, relaxing or actively fun. Be careful what music you listen to, especially when it’s just playing in the background. And especially look up information about the topics and issues you are interested in. Be objective and don’t just listen to everything you’re told through the media. Live like a human. Not a humanoid robot.

Letter to Self

Dear You,

Me. Many years ago. There are many things I wish I could’ve told you. So I am telling you. (You always liked irony didn’t you?) I think you already know this but you have wasted much time in your life already. You have wasted countless hours and far, far too many days. You don’t know the true magnitude and extent of your abilities. You truly have the talent to become an Olympic medalist. You never knew it did you? You are a natural athlete, a born gymnast! But how could you know when you were only scolded, tormented scorned since a child. I know the trauma you’ve witnessed in your life, and the abject despair you’ve constantly felt. But that does not have to influence your life at all. Do not waste anymore time in your life. Reach and race for opportunities placed in your path. You’ve thrown away so much by following the street life. The drugs, alcohol, weapons, violence and conflicts; all of it seemed fun didn’t it? It seemed noble, somehow. It was all. For. Nothing. A complete waste. When you turn twenty and live through that period of your life you must know that you are still incredibly young. Despite your mother always saying you’re old and that you’re a lost cause and so on. You are incredibly young still! You will meet a lady who works for a company named Primerica, when you tell her you are twenty years old she will grunt in a gasping, shocked manner and say, “Uh! You’re a baby.” Shaking her head in a sentiment seeming to express her wishes to return to the same age. You won’t fully believe her, but you must. You simply must. You’ll think she’s just saying that because she’s probably in her forties, but she is telling the truth. You still have so, SO much potential in you. So much vigor. So much power. Don’t let college life just drain it out of you, maximize it. I know you never thought you’d ever even get into college, but you will. And you will graduate. Thanks to God.

If there is one absolutely, penultimate, critical thing I can tell you, it is this—and please heed—: Never, EVER… E V E R … get into a relatoinship. It will be the worst thing to happen in your life if you do. Even more damaging than the trauma from your childhood. More damaging than the pressures of surviving the inner-city streets. Even more than the drugs! All those things you will have overcome (through Christ) by the time you’re an adult but this tragedy will be one to break you down to your lowest scintilla. It will change you. It will destroy you.

I know you love music. You love writing. You’re also a natural born artist. You should go to school for music with a sub-major, at least, in art. Also consider studying writing, especially creative writing. You have no idea how far you can go. If you do not listen to me, you may find yourself 30 years old writing a letter to your younger self.