Hungry? Why Wait?

The most basic human need is to eat, every human deserves to have this need met. The Earth was created to fulfill the purpose of providing what we need in this regard. Yet today there are millions and millions of people in the world who have not only no food but also no water. I do not mean simply that they do not have enough money for it; that would actually make things more simple. The fact is that many of these people do not even have access to water and food. There is no water in their entire region. There are no stores with food or even farms to go to. In this modern, “progressive,” world today 1 in 8 people suffer from malnutrition. How can this be in a world with so many resources, particularly in developed countries?

There are truly many reasons for this, none of us can fix this with some silver bullet. Nevertheless, while so many people starve we feast like pigs in a castle made of cake and slop. How can we continue like this knowing that there are so very many people in the world who are literally dying of thirst (*Kendrick voice*) and hunger? In the United States we waste far more food than would feed some of these countries. We waste more than one third of all of humanity’s food supply. That is nothing short of absurd and obscene. We must do better.

There are so many simple ways to reverse this disgusting disparity. First start by …. not wasting food! Eat proportionately. It is only going to improve your health anyway, If you happen to buy too much food that might go to waste, donate some to a food pantry or soup kitchen. I’ve worked in a soup kitchen myself before and, believe me, the donations get put to use. Or you can save a dollar or two to donate to organizations that exist to serve the cause of combating world hunger. I know very well that, as simple as it sounds, saving and donating a couple of bucks can be easier said than done. However, it is necessary that we think less of only ourselves and think about the wider spectrum of all humans. Someone starving is the same as us. If you were starving you would go through the same devastating pains and trauma that anyone else does. Consider them as yourself if the facts don’t hit home enough. It is important for us all, collectively, to contribute to the betterment of all people. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Let us not forget about the basic need of hydration as well. Water is probably more important than food, in actuality. There are also plenty of organizations that bring water systems to barren regions. They actually go out there and build where there was nothing before. Imagine what an utterly life-changing dynamic this brings to communities. I would recommend Charity: Water, because 100% of donations received go to building wells. You can also track the progress of the work you donated to in the particular region. They use GPS technology to allow donators to actually see the work being done, so you get a visual manifestation of what your money contributed to.

The bottom line is, we need to be aware. And something needs to be done. So let’s do something.